Oley pitched in and helped me get the ribbons tied onto the pictures and quotes glued to the back for the young women's Christmas gift from the presidency. I love him!
It was decided prior that we would have Oley's aunt and friends over for Christmas eve dinner, then we would spend Christmas morning at our place, and Christmas dinner at my aunt's house. Dinner turned out great on Christmas Eve. I am so glad that my mom was so persistent on her holiday traditions, now having my own family it's made me realize the importance and really helps bring the spirit of the holiday. Christmas morning Oley made us some delicious crepes, we opened gifts and then cleaned up and headed to my grandparents house. The prime rib we ate for dinner with them was delicious but nothing beats the company of those you love.
Lily loved her new toys and bed.
We asked Oley's mom to make Grandma a blanket for their 60th anniversary/Christmas present. It turned out great! We are so blessed to have Shelbie and her amazing quilting talents.
This past weekend I was able to get at least one craft done before I head back to work. And I love how it turned out. So many new crafts to do now! So excited for them.
New Years Eve we had been invited over to a friend's house, but Oley got home from work late and wasn't feeling well so we opted to just keep it low-key at home. While he slept I hung out with the puppies and rung in the new year! This year has been one of the greatest! Graduated with my masters, moved across the state, Oley and I both have great jobs, started the best journey of our married life - Adoption, had our hearts broken, received church calling we absolutely love, and have met one of the greatest people we have ever known one in which we hope will remain apart of our lives forever!
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