"Doubt Not But Be Believing"

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thanks for the Ride

Last Sunday Oley and I finished something we had been working on for 7 years.  One of the best television sitcoms of all time.... King of Queens.  
When I first met Oley he told me about his favorite TV show and I kind of brushed it off as though I didn't want to have any interest.  I finally gave it a couple episodes and I came to like it more and more and I couldn't quite figure out why I was liking it so much.  When we would talk to others about it they would say
"oh my gosh that is totally your life, you are Doug and Carrie".  Oddly enough as I looked at our lives and compared it to theirs it was more true than I ever would have thought.  Sadly we finished the last episode of the last season and after many laughs and tears we are glad that we spent 7 years watching this sitcom, we will miss it! 

 On a lighter note the week was so busy, I had to go to Seattle a couple days for a conference for work, and Oley was working 12 hour days starting at 5 AM.  So not a whole lot to write about.  We did have our home study Friday afternoon and that was a success.  Forced us to have to finish our bedroom.  

Okay so I lied the bedroom isn't 100% complete, but looks much better than it did 2 weeks ago.  Hopefully by the end of this week we will have the bed frame put up there and get the rest of the pictures up.  Then on to the office and baby's room.  Promptly after our home study we hopped in the car and headed up to Everett to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.  It was a great little get away. While there we watched the opening ceremonies.  What a disappointment they were.  

On Saturday Oley helped Grandma a bit in the yard and then she was itching to go for a drive somewhere so we hopped in the car and let them take us to La Conner, Washington.  What an absolutely awesome little tourist trap.  I was extremely disappointed that I forgot my camera at home, but I guess that gives us an excuse to have to go again sometime. Lily loved Grandpa's car!  

 We got back to their place on Saturday evening, we had planned to go home, but after Oley cooked us up some pork chops and cobbler with the fresh berries Grandpa treated us to we were inclined to stay one more night.  We love going up and visiting with them and can't wait for our next visit. 
Once we got home we finished the mountains of laundry awaiting us, and Oley so lovingly hemmed my pants.  I am lucky to have such a domestic husband able to cook and sew!  

Seems as though the weekend just begun, but yet again it wasn't long enough.  Off to work bright and early in the morning as we prepare for yet another busy work week!  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mystery Mole?

Since we have moved in we haven't had as much time as we would have liked to spend time in our yard.  This past week we noticed these mysterious mounds of dirt in our back yard, perfectly round mounds. 
Obviously Oley our photographer didn't get a good picture, but that's besides the point, these mounds have mysteriously been popping up in the back yard.  Our first thought a mole so we went out and scraped them and there is no hole underneath the mound.  We have no idea where this fresh dirt has come from but we are determined to figure out this mystery. 
Being an adult in the real world is so crazy, we are still trying to get a grip on what this entails, but we are enjoying a 5 day work week and having the weekends to relax.  We enjoyed some French Bread pizza on Friday and it was everything I remembered it being while growing up. 

After church today Oley was asked to go and check on a family that lives a couple blocks away, so being the kind person he is he got on his bike and away he went.  About 10 minutes after he left the door bell rang so I went out to see who was there.  Needless to say there stood Oley with a HUGE hole in his shorts. 

These were his absolute favorite pair of shorts and so was incredibly sad they are now garbage, but oh how humorous this was. 

Five Years and Counting

ONE mortgage, TWO dogs, THREE college degrees, FOUR cities all in FIVE remarkable years!  
It's crazy to think that Oley and I have been married for Five Years!  I wouldn't have asked for a more perfect match, being able to find each other in Coos Bay, Oregon 7 years ago was a true work of God and we are grateful that it happened the way it has.  Looking back it's doesn't seem that long ago but what we have accomplished is remarkable.  
Since Oley was away in Pocatello, trying to find a tenant for our home, he didn't get home till the evening of our anniversary so we just enjoyed an evening at home with the puppies.  I got our favorite recipe from my mom and cooked it up.  Even though I wanted to do something crazy special looking back I am glad we were able to celebrate in the comfort of our own home. 
The set up.

It doesn't look that delicious, but believe me it is!

5 years and still going strong! 
Even though we may have gained some weight, moved farther and farther from family, and ended up in totally different areas than we thought we would we still love each other more and more everyday.  I am glad that the Lord placed us in Coos Bay at the same time and we had the strength to let our friends know we were Mormon, through this knowledge our "Match Maker Krissy" was able to work her magic and here we are!
This warrants for a trip down memory lane. 
The night and place Oley proposed.

One of our engagement photos.

SWOCC Graduation

Another Engagement photo, Oh to be Skinny Again.

Mr. Southwestern - Oley Placed 2nd

Dinky's Addition

Oley loved his new puppy

Halloween 2008

December 2008

The day we became Forever!  7-15-08

We love Coos Bay

Lily's entrance into our family

Shoshone Falls - Spring 2009

Our new tent - Spring 2009

Family Photo 2010

The puppies with Grandpa Worrell's Cows

Our first trip to Spokane

I love our family

Our Forever Family

Oley's Catching a Frog - Summer 2010

Spring Break 2010

West Port, WA - Spring 2010

Spring Break 2010

Spring Break 2010

Summer 2011

December 2011

September 2011

September 2011

Yellowstone - 2011

Lily's Near Death Experience Spring- 2011

December 2011

Spring 2012

Can't wait to see what the future holds! 
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