"Doubt Not But Be Believing"

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weaknesses = Patience

Isn't it funny how we are all created differently and all have our very own weaknesses.  The Lord knows these particular weaknesses and helps us develop them, as described in the scriptures Ether 12:27  "I give unto men weakness that they may be humble...for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then I will I make weak things becomes strong unto them".  Oley and I are learning our fair share of patience.  Be it our personal patience with one another or patience with things that are totally out of our control, but we learn through faith and hope that the Lord knows best.
We have been blessed numerous times in the past and through experiences we know that the Lord tries us at different levels as we continue to learn how to deal with our weaknesses.  It was a miracles Oley was able to find a tenant the day before our mortgage was due, it has been a miracle the way everything has worked out with this job and new city, and we continually see the miracles in our life that have occurred becuase of our faith that the Lord knows best and has a personal interest in us. 
As stated in an earlier post we are working on an adoption.  We respect the birth mother more than we would ever have dreamed, and everything seemed to be going in our way.  Unfortunately, the Lord has another test of patience for us, but we know that through Him everything will work the way it needs to.  We have been blessed for the better in the past and we know that whatever He has in store will be what is best for us and our family.  It is through the times of trial and testing of our weaknesses that we must come unto the Lord and humble ourselves before Him or lose the faith that is needed to be blessed.  We hope that we are doing the right things that the Lord will bless us, for it is hope and faith that keep us going. 

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