"Doubt Not But Be Believing"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rice Cereal

Adelé has been like a bottomless pit the past week or so but the doctor said that we would probably see him again before we needed to start her on the rice cereal or anything.  When he told me that I wasn't to worried about it seeing how it would be 2 months away, but when Adelé starting eating 7-8 oz every feeding and was still not acting completely full I consulted handy-dandy Google. Adelé had been showing all signs that were recommended to look for and she was extremely interested in what we were eating all the time.  So we decided we would buy her some rice and try it out, if she didn't like it then we would just wait a couple more weeks until she was ready. 
Needless to say she was more than ready for the rice cereal.  She devoured what we had made for her to eat and we even made her a little bit more.  She was a natural when it came to eating off of a spoon and she didn't even make any terrible faces on her first try.  I will admit that it is a lot more work to actually have to feed her now, but she absolutely loves it and she sleeps so much better again!

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