"Doubt Not But Be Believing"

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Great Way to End the Week

Friday after work I was so excited for the weekend.  We had A LOT planned and I wasn't going to let the headache I had brewing ruin it for me.   My first stop on the way home was the mall.  We have been in need of some more hand soap so I stopped into Bath and Body Works before I headed off to get my hair cut.  They have this new hand soap called Peach Bellini. . . I highly recommend it.  Anyway then I went to try out a new salon. . . I always hate finding a new hair dresser, but it had to be done!  Well I was going to show before and after. .. but for some reason this won't let me upload any more photos. . . WEIRD! 
Oley is now the scout master so he was to be on a camping trip that night and so it was just me and the puppies. . . well until only one boy from the whole young mens showed up.  So Oley came home and we got to spend the WHOLE weekend together!
Saturday we had planned to have a few other couples over after the Adult Stake Conference session, but after we all realized it didn't get over until 9 PM we decided we would have to postpone until another time.  The speakers were great like usual and being able to spend time with the neighbors was also a lot of fun.
Sunday evening we met some of the greatest people ever and were able to really end our weekend on a high note!  We are so grateful for the people the Lord puts in our lives and the blessings that we are to one another. 

Now to figure out why my blogger won't let me upload any photos. . . any ideas why?!?


  1. They have limited our space on blogger so you have to buy more. It's like $3 a month for more space, re tarted but that's how it is!

  2. That is dumb. Although I did a little further research and if you re-size your images to be 2048x2048 pixels they don't take up any of the "free" storage space and you are able to post them. . . yay!


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